Digital Version
Granblue Special Item Set:GBVSR Pack
Granblue Special Item Set:
*The Granblue Special Item Set: GBVSR Pack is no longer included because the inclusion period has ended.

Choose and receive
Eternals' Transcendence Set or
Evokers' Domain Set!
Eternals' Transcendence Set※1
- Inclusive Items
- Gold Brick x 1
- Damascus Crystal x 20
- Primeval Horn x 100
- Legendary Merit x 100
- 20,000 CP
- 5,000,000 Rupies
- Lapis Merit x 1
- Items corresponding to an Eternal of your choice
One Element x 80 or
Two Elements x 40 - Silver Relic Shard x 200
- Urn x 300
- Revenant Weapon Fragment x 50
- Rusted Weapon x 30
Omega Anima x 50
(Shiva, Europa, Alexiel, Grimnir, Metatron, or Avatar)
Treasure x 50
(Smoldering Rubble, Abyssal Tragedy, Insular Core, Gale Rock, Thunderbolt Wheel, or Todestrieb)
Evokers' Domain Set※2
Easy Recruitment Set
- Inclusive Items
- Sunlight Stone x 1
- Sephira Evolite x 1
- Sephira Stone x 140
- Silver Centrum x 5
- Genesis Fragment x 80
- Legendary Merit x 3
- Primeval Horn x 10
- Rainbow Prism x 100
- Flawless Prism x 100
- Items corresponding to an Evoker of your choice
- Astra x 320
- Idean x 80
- Haze x 90
- Arcarum Fragment x 30
Verum Proof※3
One Element x 580 or
Two Elements x 290 - Elemental Quartz x 100
Trial Fragment※3
One Element x 50 or
Two Elements x 25
Treasure #1 x 50
(Toxic Tulip, Bestia Fruit, Jumbo Beast Bone, Rhem Pepper, Kluger Herb, Broken Teacup, Rusty Eave, Translucent Silk, Meditative Sutra, or Dusty Book)
Treasure #2 x 100
(Infernal Garnet, Frozen Hell Prism, Evil Judge Crystal, Horseman's Plate, Halo Light Quartz, or Phantom Demon Jewel)
Omega Anima x 30
(Tiamat, Colossus, Leviathan, Yggdrasil, Luminiera, or Celeste)
Omega II Anima x 10
(Shiva, Europa, Alexiel, Grimnir, Metatron, or Avatar)
Tier 1 Anima x 30
(Twin Elements, Macula Marius, Medusa, Apollo, or Dark Angel Olivia)
Tier 2 Anima x 30
(Athena, Grani, Baal, Garuda, Odin, or Lich)
Tier 3 Anima※3
(Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, or Raphael—20 of one type or 10 of two types)
Domain Unlock Set
- Inclusive Items
- Sephira Stone x 50
- Genesis Fragment x 30
- Domain unlock item corresponding to
an Evoker of your choice -
- Astra x 110
- Idean x 110
- Haze x 50
- Arcarum Fragment x 30
One Element x 20 or
Two Elements x 10
- Veritas x 80
Verum Proof※3
One Element x 360 or
Two Elements x 180 - Urn x 30
Omega Anima x 10
(Shiva, Europa, Alexiel, Grimnir, Metatron, or Avatar)
Treasure x 30
(Smoldering Rubble, Abyssal Tragedy, Insular Core, Gale Rock, Thunderbolt Wheel, or Todestrieb)
- The Eternals' Transcendence Set contains a collection of items necessary to uncap an Eternal of your choice up to level 130.
- The Evokers' Domain Set contains a collection of items necessary to recruit the Evoker of your choice and unlock their Domain bonuses.
- When selecting a fire, water, earth, or wind Eternal or Evoker, you will receive items for their respective element. When selecting a light or dark Eternal or Evoker, you will receive items for two different elements.
To receive the items from the Granblue Special Item Set: GBVSR Pack, the digital version of the Deluxe Edition or Standard Edition must be purchased before 11:59 p.m., April 30, 2024.
The Granblue Special Item Set: GBVSR Pack originally had a redemption deadline of 6:59 a.m. on December 31, 2024 (PT), but it has since been extended to be redeemable after 2025. (Updated Dec 19, 2024)
The Granblue Special Item Set: GBVSR Pack is not included in the Steam version.
The Eternals' Transcendence Set and Evokers' Domain Unlock Set are also included with the Granblue Special Item Set: Relink Pack.
Those who also purchased the Granblue Special Item Set: Relink Pack can receive these items again from this set.
A Granblue Fantasy account is required to receive these items.
Only one set can be applied per Granblue Fantasy account.
A PS4™ or PS5™ connected to the PlayStation™Network is required to receive your items.
Designs, content details, and specifications are subject to change without prior notice.