Online Lobby

A giant floating island acts as your online lobby!
Take control of chibi avatars to explore everything it has to offer.

  • Game Stations

    In the center of the island are dozens of game stations where you can challenge other players.

  • Floating Islands

    Several smaller islands dot the sky surrounding the main island.
    You can reach them using your glider, and you might even find some hidden stations out there.

  • Photo Ops

    Cutouts of the cast of GBVSR can be found all across the island.
    Try to find your main and take a picture with them!

  • Café

    A peaceful area separated from the stations.
    Useful as a meetup spot to find your friends.

  • Soccer Field

    Complete with an interactive soccer ball, take a break from fighting and watch the time go by as you kick the ball around the field.

  • The Grandcypher

    The crew's trusty airship, the Grandcypher, is docked nearby for you to explore.
    There are even more stations for you to use on the deck of the ship.

  • Arcade

    The perfect hangout place for those who miss dimly lit game arcades from the days of yore.

  • Big Bad Battle Vyrn

    A strange balloon that can be found in the arcade.
    Beating up this balloon is cheaper than throwing your controller when you're feeling frustrated!

  • Robomi: Epic Clash

    A mini-game available to play in the Online Lobby. Press a button as soon as you see the signal to drive out the abominations! Are your reflexes up for the task?


    A mini-game available to play in the Online Lobby. Shoot down the oncoming sea monsters before you end up as chum!