- Set Contents
- Additional character DLC lineup:
- Lucilius, 2B, Vane, Beatrix, Versusia, Vikala
- - Some content in this set is also available as a stand-alone purchase. This set is also included within the GBVSR Deluxe Character Pass 1, which comes with additional bonus items. Please be careful to ensure you do not make a duplicate purchase.
- - In order to use this content, you will need the full paid game, which is sold separately. The latest content update may be required.
- - Content will gradually become available after the game is released.
- - This content can be accessed by connecting your PlayStation®5 or PlayStation®4 to the internet and signing into the PlayStation™Network.
- - This set includes some content that can be obtained separately in the in-game Rupie Shop.
- - The PlayStation® version of the Character Pass will unlock bonus items for Granblue Fantasy (original mobile game) as certain additional characters become available.
- - This set will unlock the bonus items for Granblue Fantasy (original mobile game) that are also included in the Additional Character Set.
- - Bonus items for Granblue Fantasy (original mobile game) are not included in the Steam version of the Character Pass.